The Green Family

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Loolies

Firstly a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our beautiful niece, Leila who is one today. We're very sad that we can't be there to celebrate, but we'll be thinking of you on Saturday when you have your party.

This week has been fairly quiet. Dave has been busy with work and Matthew, Sophie and I have been down with the cold. Not very nice at all and it has made me realise why I get out of the house everyday! Matthew certainly hasn't been able to expend enough energy. A little excitement today though, Sophie rolled over for the first time. That's it now, no leaving her on any surface higher than the floor!

Last saturday we went over to Mum and Dad's for lunch which was lovely. Mum did her usual catering for several coach loads, so needless to say we rolled all the way home!

On Sunday we met up with some friends, Chris and Tracy with their sons Dean and Ryan. We went to Kondalilla National Park which is up in the Hinterlands, a beautiful hilly region about half an hour inland from where we live. We had a little picnic and then headed for a walk down to the falls which was about a 2 mile round trip. Matthew was safely strapped into the backpack and I was carrying Sophie in the Bjorn.

Going down to the falls was a fairly gentle walk and the falls themselves were stunning. You're able to swim in the rock pool below it and it's a popular spot in the summer.

The climb back up to the top was pretty exhausting especially carrying the extra weight. I'm glad we did it though, absolutely beautiful scenery.

A view of the Obi Obi valley which was behind us as we looked at the falls. As you can see it was another typical winters day here on the Sunshine Coast!!


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