A very Merry Christmas
Things have been pretty busy over the last few weeks preparing for the feastivities, although we still can't get our head around the fact that it's very warm! The Christmas tree is up and the lights are on outside the house. Matthew has been very helpful putting on the decorations and needless to say he's very proud of his handiwork. Sophie is doing her best to pull them down.
To get ourselves in the mood we went to the Christmas Boat Light parade in Mooloolaba. There were a lot of boats all decked out with Christmas lights and Santas which went along the waterways from Mooloolaba to Kawana and then back again. It was a lovely evening although we were a little too close to the water in the dark with the children for my liking!
Dad and Sophie
Not too great but you get the ideaJustine left us on Thursday the 7th after a very short trip here. It was lovely to see her and catch up on all the gossip. I'm not sure how restful it was for her with our little monsters.
We had a Christmas breakfast with all the Kawana girls and their other halves last week. It was a lovely morning and we were outside by the river at 8:30am having bacon and eggs with a glass of champagne. It was a lovely morning and all the children enjoyed being out in the fresh air. It was pretty obvious when they were ready to go home for a nap though! That afternoon we went over to Andrew and Lisa's for their Christmas party, so it was a pretty full on social day!
We had the Mudjimba Playgroup Christmas party on Tuesday 12th. A lovely morning for the children. Matthew had a ride on a pony and far too much sugar for one morning. Santa popped in to deliver some presents...
Our Aussie Santa
Matthew on the pony
Swimming has finished for the term. Both Matthew and Sophie have been doing really well. Sophie is now doing alot of swimming under water and absolutely loves it. Matthew completely wears himself out jumping around! Ron, the teacher, has been really pleased with their progress.
After a six month wait, Wednesday the 13th saw me off to the Robbie Williams concert. There were seven of us - Julia, Valerie, Ingrid, Judy, Debbie, her sister Cherie, and I. We hired a limo to take us down there and had champagne and nibbles on the hour and a half journey down to Brisbane. It was a fantastic journey and the concert was fab. We were all pretty tired by the time we got home at 1am!
The girls are all doing well. Sue is nearing her delivery date of the 13th January, but continues to look fantastic. We have had the last few weeks meeting up at our homes and this Monday (18th) we had our little Christmas party with mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince pies. Of course the children we mostly interested in their pressies.... They are all getting on so well now and are quite happy to play by themselves with little supervision, except at wee wee time!
We are expecting Frank, Heidi, Alex and Leah here tomorrow after their trip to Sydney and Cairns. We're really looking forward to seeing them and having Christmas together.
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