The Green Family

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

March - Camping at Bulumba Creek

We had a camping trip with Sue, Retief, India and Lola to Bulumba Creek near Kenilworth. It's about 45 minutes in land from where we are. The facilities at the campsite were a loo and a bbq, but my goodness what a beautiful spot. We camped right by the creek and toasted marshmallows on the fire. Matthew, Sophie, India and Lola went hunting for fairies in the evening when the fire flies were out... A really wonderful first camping trip in Australia

The boys
Matthew and Indi
The besties, Sophie and Lola
Fishing for crocodiles!
Sue, Retief and Dave. It was far too cold for me to get in!!
Sophie and Indi
The creek
Our home for the night
Waiting to light the BBQ

Sophie's 4th Birthday

Sophie's party was due to be at a lovely park, but we were in the middle of a couple of weeks of really wet weather, so we ended up at Chris and Judy's house for cake and a play. Chris and Judy's son Sam was born the day before Sophie... They are the best of friends

The cakes - Dora wasn't as popular as the rocket.
Our little munchkin..
We took Sophie out for dinner to her favourite restaurant - Fish on Parkyn

A big thank you to everyone for Sophie's presents

First day of school

Matthew started his first year of school at Sunshine Coast Grammar School. He's in Prep KB and his teacher's name is Mrs Botterell.
Sophie started in PrePrep. Her teacher's name is Mrs. Herr. The day care is associated with the school, hence the similar uniform colours!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oh my goodness.....

eek! I can't believe that I haven't posted anything on this blog since May 2008!!! When did that year and a half disappear off to.... Where shall I start?

Well our first baby turned five in August. We had a fantastic birthday party at the Queensland Air Museum ( There were about 30 children who we didn't actually see until it was cake time. Brilliant. I think the dads enjoyed it just as much as the children did. Matthew has become completely obsessed with aeroplanes thanks to Dave, our friend Roy who has taken Matthew model aeroplane flying, and Sally and Simon who sent him a RAF Jet Pilot for his birthday. There is no turning back and he is a little disappointed that he can't get involved in any flying things until he is 13!!
The birthday boy
Jai, Matthew, Sam and James

I have to apologise to the world as it seems that Matthew is a little Dave and his mind is already speeding along with Whys and Are you sure Mummy!! Oh and not forgetting those jokes.... His favourite things are aeroplanes and flying, trains, golf, fishing, and swimming. He loves spending as much time as he can with his Dad and his Grandpa. Because of the school year in Australia and the age cut off, Matthew doesn't start school until January 2010. He is currently going to day care two days a week and then three in October. He really enjoying it and has made a few friends who are also going to the same school as he is.

His current favourite phrase at the moment is 'Mummy I will still be your baby even when I'm 42'!
Sophie is turning into our little dancing queen with a mind of her own and her parent's stubbornness (we're moving out when she hits her teens!). She enjoys her My Little Ponies, dressing up, dancing, coffee and biscuits with Nanna and dancing. She and Matthew generally play really well together even if they are playing two separate games in the same room with the same toys! Did I mention the dancing thing!!!? Her other favourite passtime is 'helping' me in the kitchen, especially when we're baking and there is a bowl to lick. Oh yes, and sucking her thumb.
Drinks like her mother!
Sophie will be starting school in 2011 and is also going to day care two days a week. She and Matthew are in the same centre, and although not in the same class, they still see a lot of each other during the day. Apparently she is a real helper and attaches herself to new classmates and shows them where everything is and makes sure they are ok! She loves her morning coffee and biscuit with Nanna and will change her clothes at least 3 times a day to fit in with where we're going/what she's playing.
We held Sophie's 3rd birthday party in the grounds of a beautiful playgroup in Buderim. Her main man Sam is one day older than Sophie so they had a joint Pirates and Mermaid party... Sophie wasn't interested in dressing up (at that stage) but made the most of the beautiful mermaid cake that Judy made for her.
Sophie's main man Sam. They currently go to day care together and the teacher now has to split them up during the learning sessions because they talk to much. Sophie has only just stopped making Sam's sleep bed for him and fetching his lunch. I think Dave is going to have to have a chat with Sam about his intentions!!!! and I'll need to have a chat with Sophie about this fetch and gather thing!

Since March Dave has only been working three days a week which has been brilliant, not only for him (a changed man), but the children and I. He is still at Clearmake ( but works as a contractor to them. It's been a good change for him and given him more time to spend with me and the bubs but also allowed him to get some 'quiet time' to himself if he needs it. He's enjoying watching his rugby and is currently a man on a mission with his push bike.
In September last year I went back into Oracle HRMS consulting for the first time in 4 years. Pretty scary but thankfully not too much had changed since then. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about being back in that world but I actually really enjoyed it and the ability to use my brain (what little is left!). The contract ended in July with me having spent time in Hong Kong, Beijing, Melbourne and Sydney. I'm now looking around to see what else I can find.
Life still flies by for both of us and no sooner has the week started than we're making plans for the weekend. We try to catch up with friends as much as possible and thankfully summer is on the way so there will be plenty more time to get together on the beach.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our news

Things have been pretty busy with us over the last few months.
The children are keeping me pretty busy and our week is full of morning play time, swimming and playgroups. The children continue to do well at swimming with Matthew now swimming on his own and Sophie turning into a fish!

Matthew continues to have one day a week at pre-school which he enjoys. He is not due to start school until 2010 because of the cut-off date so we will probably start putting him in for two days a week from next year. Matthew continues to amaze us with his ability to remember everything we tell him in detail (I wonder where he gets that from!) and his curiosity into the why!! His favourite past times are his trains, cars, and planes that he constantly uses to create little scenes and is completely in his own little world. He is also into anything that his Dad is doing!
Matthew and Sophie are playing very well together although they do have their moments!!! Matthew likes to think that he is in charge but Sophie soon lets him know otherwise!!
Sophie is such a little lady and has her Daddy firmly wrapped around her little finger! She just has to flatter those eyelashes and she's there!! We've been lucky in that she started to communicate quite quickly so we haven't had to deal with too much frustration on that part, but she has managed to work quite a lot of dramatics into it already.... Her muslin continues to be her closest friend and generally doesn't go anywhere without it. She is into her pretend jewels, handbags, and shoes. I've already warned Dave to start saving.

Dave's work is going well and he seems to be very settled there. He spends most of his time entertaining the children and suitably winding them up before bedtime!! There have been a few boys nights out recently which appear to have helped him feel a little less than ordinary!

Things for me are pretty busy at the moment, as well as my lovely babies, I continue to work on the committee for the Mons Playgroup we attend on a Thursday, I'm working two days a week with Judy at Pitter Patter Prints and also helping Dave's company out with some IT work. I am trying to find the time to keep house, shop and cook an occasional meal, oh and update the blog!!! It's not really as bad as I make it sound. Things are good and I am feeling much more settled in myself and in being in Australia.

We had a fantastic time at my friend's Sue's 40th birthday party. She had a fancy dress S party where you had to go as something/someone starting with S. I ended up as a Swashbuckler and Dave as Seargent Pepper!!! It was a fantastic evening and far too much alcohol was consumed... There is a photo below (be warned).

Matthew and Sophie
and again
Our cheeky girl
Our babies
Practising hairdressing
Trains with Indi
Our little dude and dudette
The fancy dress costumes
On lake Baroon
This beautiful part of the country

Some lovely family piccies

Just had to share a couple of family 'portrait' pictures that a friend of ours took for us when the clan were together.

Sophie's 2nd Birthday

Well, it's hard to believe that our baby girl is 2. Not entirely sure where those two years have gone and in a lot of ways it sometimes seems a lot longer than that!!

We had a lovely time celebrating her birthday. It was a joint party with Judy and Chris' son Sam, who is one day older than Sophie. We headed down to Nelson Park at Alexandra Headland for a breakfast bbq and cake. Unfortunately it was really really windy so the balloons didn't last long, nor did the candles. However, the children had a great time and were all wired on pink and blue icing by the time we went home.

Thank you everyone for the lovely presents you sent and I hope that all the thank you cards reached you.

The birthday girl
The birthday boy
Slightly wind damaged cake!
The birthday couple
Our little princess