The Green Family

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dad's 70th Birthday

Things have been pretty busy down under with a recent visit from my sister and her daughter from the UK and my brother, his wife, and daughter from Russia. We all got together for the first time since our wedding to celebrate my Dad's 70th birthday. It was absolutely brilliant. A month of eating, drinking, and generally behaving like we did when we were little, much to the amusement of our parents and the horror of our partners and children!! It was lovely to see Emilie and Leila, and to finally meet John's wife, Vika, and their daughter Sasha, properly. Not much else went on for the month of March apart from family.

The birthday party
Emilie, John, Sasha and I
Me with John and Em
My beautiful sister
My baby brother
The four monkies - Sophie, Sasha, Leila and Matthew
With Grandpa


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