The Green Family

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A wet weekend

Well this weekend was pretty horrible and it rained for most of the time so we didn't really do very much outdoors.

Saturday we went to the shopping plaza in Maroochydore, which is our nearest big town. We had a stroll around and met up with Mum and Nan for coffee and a bite to eat. The children didn't appreciate being dragged around the shops so we soon had them home for a nap. Sophie had her first taste of solids in the form of baby rice. She loved it and was almost snatching the spoon out of my hand to get it into her mouth quicker. I think that she's been trying to tell us that she's been a little hungry of late. She is now having alternate formula feeds and seems to be doing better with it.

On Sunday we took Matthew over for his monthly train ride in Nambour. It rained all morning, but for the hour that we were there it was beautiful and sunny! We went over to Mum and Dad's for lunch afterwards and successfully managed to eat ourselves silly and spent the afternoon flaked out infront of the television!

This morning Matthew, Sophie and I went over to Sue's for coffee. Abi wasn't there this week as her parents are over visiting from the UK, so it was just Sue, Julia and I. The children still managed to cause caos in Sue's house with India's toys thrown everywhere. Hopefully have a quite afternoon and catch up on some jobs, we'll see.....

More piccies.....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A late update

Well I can't quite believe that it is Friday already!

Last weekend was fairly quite, the weather was not particularly nice so we decided not to go out anywhere. We caught up on house work and shopping on Saturday and on Sunday we went over to Dave's manager's house for drinks. It was nice to be able to put faces to all the names I've heard over the last 7 months or so. Christian, Dave's manager, lives on 10 acres and has horses, chickens, ducks, and dogs. Needless to say Matthew was in his element and was entertained most of the day by Christian's daughter, Anna, who's 12.

This week has been quite busy. On Monday, Matthew, Sophie, and I went over to Abi's for morning tea. Sue was there with her daughter India, and Julia, with her son Josh. I don't know if I've mentioned this but I met Julia at the playgroup I take Matthew to on a Thursday. We got chatting and discovered that we had both lived in Northampton, a strange enough coincidence. I spoke to Julia a few days later and it turned out that she is best friends with Martin's (Davies) sister! We were both absolutely amazed that I'd come half way around the world only to meet someone with such a close connection!!

Anyway, Tuesday was the children's swimming lesson. Matthew is doing really well and should be swimming on his own within the next couple of months. Sophie absolutely loved the pool and had a great time. She went under the water a couple of times and didn't seem too phased! I'll take some pictures next week and post them. Wednesday, Matthew had the day with Mum and Dad and I tried to get some chores done, although Sophie wasn't being too compliant. Thursday we had playgroup in the morning and then I took Matthew and Sophie to the little playground that is around the corner from us. Matthew has now discovered the joys of climbing! By the time we left (after an hour) he was completely grubby having tried to rearrange all the bark chippings that they have around the equipment. Such a boy. We met the girls from Sophies post natal group in Noosa for a walk this morning. Absolutely beautiful. I had to pass on lunch as both my monsters weren't having any of it!

Dave has had a pretty busy week at work and has been in early a few days. At least it's keeping him out of trouble. He is still managing to wear his shorts to work even though it is quite chilly in the mornings.

Matthew is doing really well and his skin is getting used to the dry winter weather. He has his 'terrible twos' moments every now and again, but we're trying to be united in our approach and it seems to be working so far. His vocabulary is getting better, but he'll spend five minutes deep in jibberish coversation with me expecting some kind of response. It is funny trying to figure out what he is trying to say. As you can imagine he knows how to say water, beer, more, biscuit and pie, amongst other things!!!

Sophie has started to roll around and is definitely getting frustrated at not being able to move. She follows Matthew around the room and all I can say is God help us when the two of them are running around! I think she has started teething and is definitely getting hungrier. I've started to introduce a couple of formula feeds during the day and she can't drink them quick enough!

Both children are wonderful and I'm really enjoying being with them. I do have days when neither of them are very willing to settle and spend most of the day grizzling. Needless to say as soon as Dave gets home from work they are both full of giggles and gurgles for him!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Caboulture Historical Village

Another weekend over! We went to Caboulture Historical Village on Saturday which is in Caboulture, 40 minutes south from home. It is a 2 acre park where old queenslander homes and shops have been moved. There are some buildings that date back to 1890! There was a special fete this weekend and they had all the old tractors and cars on display, followed by a parade where they were being driven around the village. Needless to say Matthew was in his element! We only stayed for a couple of hours as there is only so much tractor one boy can take!

On Sunday we got together with some friends of ours, Chris and Judy. They have a son, Samuel, who is one day older than Sophie, and has already filled her dance card. Mum and Dad invited Judy's Mum and Dad and all of us for a BBQ and we spent the afternoon eating (far too much as usual) and drinking. It was a very lazy day.

Dave dragged himself out of bed on Monday morning for the start of another week at work. I had Sue, Abi, and Julia over with their children for morning coffee. The children were quite happy entertaining themselves for a couple of hours which gave us chance to drink a hot drink and catch up on any gossip! Matthew, Sophie and I went over to Mum and Dad's in the afternoon as Mum and Nan are off to New Zealand for a week. Mum didn't really get much chance to see her grandson as soon as we set foot in the door he was off to the airport with his Grandpa!

This morning we started the new term of swimming lessons. Sophie had here first taste (literally) of swimming and after a shaky start did quite enjoy it. Matthew did his usual couldn't really be bothered at first, but I then couldn't get him out of the pool at the end of the lesson! We've started at a new swim school and the man who runs the class takes a very relaxed approach to it and believes that the children will learn at their own pace and as long as they follow the steps that he sets down in class, they can take as long as they like to feel comfortable doing it. We'll see how it works for this term, but seems to have worked well today.

Sophie chilling out in her new gadget!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Loolies

Firstly a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our beautiful niece, Leila who is one today. We're very sad that we can't be there to celebrate, but we'll be thinking of you on Saturday when you have your party.

This week has been fairly quiet. Dave has been busy with work and Matthew, Sophie and I have been down with the cold. Not very nice at all and it has made me realise why I get out of the house everyday! Matthew certainly hasn't been able to expend enough energy. A little excitement today though, Sophie rolled over for the first time. That's it now, no leaving her on any surface higher than the floor!

Last saturday we went over to Mum and Dad's for lunch which was lovely. Mum did her usual catering for several coach loads, so needless to say we rolled all the way home!

On Sunday we met up with some friends, Chris and Tracy with their sons Dean and Ryan. We went to Kondalilla National Park which is up in the Hinterlands, a beautiful hilly region about half an hour inland from where we live. We had a little picnic and then headed for a walk down to the falls which was about a 2 mile round trip. Matthew was safely strapped into the backpack and I was carrying Sophie in the Bjorn.

Going down to the falls was a fairly gentle walk and the falls themselves were stunning. You're able to swim in the rock pool below it and it's a popular spot in the summer.

The climb back up to the top was pretty exhausting especially carrying the extra weight. I'm glad we did it though, absolutely beautiful scenery.

A view of the Obi Obi valley which was behind us as we looked at the falls. As you can see it was another typical winters day here on the Sunshine Coast!!