The Green Family

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Since the end of June.....

Well in excellent fashion I've left updating this blog far too long... Just haven't made the time and should really as quite a lot has been going on chez Green. Where to start....

Matthew. We celebrated our little man's third birthday on the 6th August. Thank you everyone for the lovely presents that you sent. He was completely spoilt. We had a party for him in one of our local parks and he spent most of the morning on the swings and eating cake! Ah, the life of a three year old. He is now quite proud to tell people he is a big boy now as he is three...

Matthew with Jett, Indi, Sophie, and Lola

Matthew and Sophie -

Matthew managed to escape most of the winter colds that were going around but his skin did flare up quite a bit. All seems to be ok now and he's happier now he can get out and play in his sandpit! He is proving to be a doting and protective brother, but isn't slow in making sure we know if Sophie has been naughty!! His loves continue to be his Duck and Dillon, trains, cars, and aeroplanes. He and his Grandpa are out in the garden practicing their golf swings with the set they bought him for his birthday. I think Dad has big plans for our little boy!!

Helping Daddy with the BBQ

Helping Grandpa with the BBQ
Our little Sophie is becoming not so little and quite capable of standing up for herself and making her point firmly known. She can strut her stuff as well as Matthew and is proving pretty challenging on the climbing frame. Her current trick is to pull her nappy down and take herself to the toilet for a 'wee wee'. I think we're going to have a go at potty training her but see how we go as she is still only 18 months. Sophie's speech is coming along really well and she is proving to be as much of a talker as her brother. Her favourite things are her muslin(!) and handbags and shoes. I've already warned Dave and I think we're going to have to start a handbag and shoe account for her!!!

Our monkey

With Indi at Mum's 60th birthday

With her Daddy

Dave continues to do really well at work and has just returned from a weeks trip to Perth. He hasn't been able to report on the place much as most of his time was spent in an office! He seems to be enjoying life at Clearmake and all the new challenges that he is dealing with. The children keep him busy and he is definitely the centre of their world. All else disappears as soon as he walks through the door in the evening and the weekends are a real treat. As always both my little babies are being taught forward rolls, climbing up the bed, jumping as high as they can and being held up to touch the ceiling. I can't bear to watch! Needless to say the children love their Daddy and found it quite difficult spending a week without him. Sophie spent ages the first morning looking in every room for her Daddy!

I've been keeping myself busy with the business my friend Judy and I have bought. We do children's hand and feet in clay and have been spending the last couple of months doing lots of marketing and getting our name out there... It's been really interesting and a break from staring at a pc for a job! The company website is and we produce work that looks something like this:

The children keep me pretty busy and I still try and get them out each day for some fresh air and hopefully encourage them to use up some of the energy they seem to get from somewhere. I meet up with Sue and Julia on a Monday for coffee and a catch up on the gossip, Tuesday and Wednesday I'm working, Thursday we have playgroup in the morning and then we get together with the group of girls I met after having Sophie, and then Friday morning we go to another playgroup.
I really don't know where the time goes but the weeks definitely seem to be flying. We already have signs up telling us how many weeks there are until Christmas and the 2008 diaries are in the shops! The children will be at school before we know it!!!

I know that there are loads of other things that have been going on, and will promise to keep the blog updated on weekly basis from here on in......


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